Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Syllabus Woes Part Deux

Well, I got the damn syllabus updated and ready for the kiddies. It's sad when you have to specifically state that "if you make bad grades on the tests you will get a bad grade in the class." I can't tell you how many e-mails I get at the end of each semester whining for a better grade. "I know I made D's on all the exams, but I'll lose my scholarship if I don't get a C..." And they honestly expect you to give them the C. It drives me nuts. I'll say it again - damn millenials. [Note: it figures - I try to avoid Wikipedia on general principles so the encyclopedia I link to quotes them.]


Anonymous said...

Hi :)
Your blog's very interesting :)
If you want to take a look @ mine:

TamsynX said...

Thanks! But I don't speak/read Italian. :(