Sunday, July 24, 2011

Body Scanners & Molestation

Well, it's been a busy week for the TSA. First, a woman in Phoenix grabbed a TSA agent's breast, and is being accused of molestation. Remember, it's not molestation when they do it to you! Secondly, several TSA agents are being prosecuted for stealing from passengers' luggage. What a great way to make extra money! [At least they weren't playing practical jokes.] Last, but definitely not least, finally, finally, FINALLY the TSA is getting rid of those damn naked pictures of us. The newest body scanners just show a "block figure" with a box near any area that needs extra screening. Hopefully they'll get those rolled out before I have to fly again! And I really like the way the article points out that the new body scanners will probably take over soon, because THEY'RE CHEAPER.

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