Friday, May 9, 2008

The Semester is Over!!!

I gave my last exams and inputted grades and I am through! It feels wonderful! This semester had it's own drama, of course. I finally decided to give a graduating senior a D, instead of an F, in exchange for an extra credit paper. Generally, I don't have trouble flunking people who have an F in my class, even if they will lose a scholarship. But actual graduation? She was close, so I made an exception. I did have a new e-mail this time though - the "I'm a single mother can't I get a higher grade." That was new for me.

Now that it's over, I am going to take a week off and read some non-school books before I start studying for comps. Yes - I'm taking comps in the fall and I'm already freaking out! I can't study all summer because I have a summer program that I'll be at for 2 months. I'm not teaching in the fall, so most of my posts then will be about comps and research. Wish me luck!!!


jeremy said...

Good luck! Sounds like you made the right call with the student on the precipice of not graduating.

TamsynX said...

Thanks! Stay tuned for my nervous breakdown in October when comps start.