Friday, February 8, 2008

Don't Go to School with the Flu!

I recently received the following e-mail (this may out me, but it's too good to pass up):
One-quarter of the patients we are seeing at the Health Center have the flu. In addition, students are calling in for triage nurse advice with flu symptoms and are staying at home to recover. In order to stem the tide, faculty and instructors are asked to please adjust your class requirements for increased absenteeism over the next few weeks to assure that students with the flu do not attend class and continue the spread of the flu. We are seeing students who are diagnosed with the flu who are still going to class to meet a class requirement that the instructor will not change. For your own health and the health of the community at large, please consider an adjustment to assure that students with infectious disease do not attend class.
I'm not making this up, that's an actual e-mail. The flu is decimating campus, but apparently there are a bunch of students who are going to class sick because they don't want to lose attendance points. Frankly, I'm shocked they're doing it. Since the e-mail, a number of professors have made announcements about it. This will help keep the sick people at home, but it does create another problem - if you want to get out of class for a while, just say you had the flu. Who's going to know?

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